Sexless in the City

Sometimes reading romance novels doesn’t quite prepare you for a love life...

For this 30-year-old urbanite, love is always a misadventure: The Harvard Lickwit, Hippie the Groper, the 5% Man, and the Ad Weasel. These and many other men wander in and out of her life — but never her bed.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The future of Sexless

Updated 7.31.09

Dahlings, it’s been a long time coming, but after months of pretending that I was going to resume a more regular posting schedule, I’m coming clean: my blogging days here are more or less done.

I don’t have plans to take this down, so if you’re new, browse the archives or check out the topical highlights. For the bulk of what I wanted to say about sex, though, read the book (go and check it out from your library if you’re cheap or poor! ;)), or read some of the interviews and articles linked in the sidebar. A complete and more frequently updated list is also maintained at, along with any future speaking gigs, readings and so on.

Occasionally I may check back in here with a new post, but for the bulk of the things I’m wanting to say or share, I’m finding that Twitter works pretty well. Follow me there @annabroadway or see “chirps,” at right.

Thanks much for your support, especially for those who’ve been there since the start! Without you this wouldn’t have been possible. Thanks for giving me the sounding board — and confidence — I needed to pull my thoughts together into something more coherent.
