Sexless in the City

Sometimes reading romance novels doesn’t quite prepare you for a love life...

For this 30-year-old urbanite, love is always a misadventure: The Harvard Lickwit, Hippie the Groper, the 5% Man, and the Ad Weasel. These and many other men wander in and out of her life — but never her bed.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday morning laughtrack

When you go to see the Letterman show, they keep you entertained before the taping and during breaks with footage of “super-funny,” but silent segments from previous shows. I won’t subject you to my archives while you’re waiting on this morning’s post, but do check out this laugh-yourself-silly video from Sexless find-of-the-week band OK Go. Play, laugh, repeat!

And when you’re done with that, ponder: should there be a revival of the Sexless monthly contest? Reader responses really dropped off there for a while, after Poster Boy took the first Blog Reader World Series title ... but I’m thinking we might be ready for a round two. Thoughts on this, dahling? Last year’s winner would be excluded from competition, just to give you a fair chance, but we might bring ’im back for a concluding round to take on this year’s champ or something. Should he be amenable to such proposal. But that’d be months from now anyway, so for today just put your minds to the contest-revival conundrum. Yes? or No? Check one, please.