Sexless in the City

Sometimes reading romance novels doesn’t quite prepare you for a love life...

For this 30-year-old urbanite, love is always a misadventure: The Harvard Lickwit, Hippie the Groper, the 5% Man, and the Ad Weasel. These and many other men wander in and out of her life — but never her bed.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I think you know where this is going...

By now. (Yawn)

So, let’s just say that sleep didn’t come until nearly 5 a.m. last night — er, this morning! And no, a man was not involved ... except, well, actually yes, sorta ... but that’s a very long off-blog story.

In any case, between that and a 2 p.m. interview for a promising long-term temp assignment, ’fraid Stages of Broadway, pt. 3 may be a prime-time, not a day-time feature today.

What would you really rather read, though (yawn) — some namby-pamby crap not deserving the name of Anna Broadway ... or waiting for the full Broadway? I thought so.

Back in a few dahlings. Don’t hate me ’cause I’m sleepy; hate me ’cause I got to sleep in. ;)