Sexless in the City

Sometimes reading romance novels doesn’t quite prepare you for a love life...

For this 30-year-old urbanite, love is always a misadventure: The Harvard Lickwit, Hippie the Groper, the 5% Man, and the Ad Weasel. These and many other men wander in and out of her life — but never her bed.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

‘Anna Baldwin,’ the sex debate and more

Hello, dahlings. I’m finally back from my crazy month of travel, so will hopefully have time to blog again soon. In the meantime, if you didn’t get to hear my interview on the Baldwin McCullough Radio Experience Saturday night, I believe you can hear it online at Find out why Stevie B thought I’d be good for his brother, and catch all the rest of the evening’s zaniness. And if you haven’t yet checked out Kevin’s latest book, it’s available from fine retailers online and everywhere.

The only place you can get a signed copy of Sexless, however -- unless you’re coming to Litquake Saturday -- is by ordering it directly from me. Payment accepted via PayPal.

If you are on the West Coast and free this Saturday, I’ll be reading a short excerpt during the 4 p.m. Koret Reading Hour at the San Francisco Public Library (BART stop: Civic Center), along with several other memoirists. Afterward, we’re all signing copies of our books at the nearby Books Inc. store.

Finally, if you missed my debate Sunday night -- on whether modern sex is good or evil -- I believe there might have been some sort of recording made of the event, but you’ll have to pester host Todd Seavey about that. If all goes well, I’ll try to at least post a summary of my position on here in the next few days.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

New York event, Sept. 28

As usual, I’m long overdue for an update, but I do have a post or two on tap. Hopefully I’ll find time somewhere during my crazy few days between travels (last week, Nashville, next week New York) to post it.

Meanwhile, those of you in New York will finally have a chance to see me, buy a book or get your copy signed when I’m there in town later this month! I’ll be squaring off with a former New York Press sex columnist over the question “Is modern sex good or evil?” so it should be a lively time.

Debate @ Lolita
Sunday, Sept. 28, 8 p.m.
266 Broome St., Lower Level

I will have a limited number of books on hand, but you can help me pre-order accurately by noting in the comments below if you’re planning to come and how many books, if any, I should order for you.

Whether or not you live in New York or will be able to make it, you can help make this event a success by spreading the word through Facebook, MySpace, your blog, etc. And don’t forget that you can still, for a limited time, order signed copies of the book directly from me.

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