Sexless in the City

Sometimes reading romance novels doesn’t quite prepare you for a love life...

For this 30-year-old urbanite, love is always a misadventure: The Harvard Lickwit, Hippie the Groper, the 5% Man, and the Ad Weasel. These and many other men wander in and out of her life — but never her bed.

Monday, October 03, 2005


It’s Anna Broadway on location this week, dahlings ... Second stop: Monterey, Calif. Had the obligatory clam chowder for dinner last night, revisited the scene of previous baking crimes, and even got to play a little piano. Other adventures include spying this sign, attached to an evidently unsafe-when-earth-shakes building.

iPods the new, uh, soft spot?
And best quote of the weekend goes to my Blog Consultant, heard Saturday night: “You kicked me in my iPod!”

AB: (laughs, remarks on comment)

Blog Consultant: You thought I meant something else!

AB: No, I knew what you meant. That’s what made it so funny. It’s like it’s a part of your body or something.

Then again, iBaby 2.0 might as well be a part of my body, and internet its food. Hardly knew what to do until I found a stable internet connection. So far the folks at Plumes get top marks for free and functioning WiFi. Wireless cards are so beautiful ... (strokes iBaby lovingly).

Contest results
In other developments, September’s contest has finally concluded, albeit with a few bumps. Evidently my trivia question proved harder than expected. None of the five entrants initially guessed the correct answer (never initiated a DTR — “destroy the relationship” talk, as one winner put it) ... but three of the five got it right on the second try. Surprising numbers of deemed me pierce-conservative, while at least one other believed I’d have no part in burlesque (gulp). As for the musical make-out buddy several also guessed I’d never had ... let’s just say his swing band was featured on a prominent movie soundtrack. Congrats to this month’s winners: Rob, VJ and Charissa.

Since blog trivia proved a little hard on ya’ll, this month’s contest will pick up the theme of last October’s, bad poetry. And here for a little inspiration, the cocktail-party winning rhymes I cooked up to plug Blogfather in his run for Cosmo media man of the year:
It’s not unusual to be loved by some Brendan
It’s not unusual to have fun with any Frank
but when I see you casting those votes for other guys
It’s not unusual to see me cry,
That Ken, he’s the guy!

It’s not unusual it happens every day no matter what you say
you find it happens all the time
love will never do what you want it to
why can’t Ken Wheaton simply win!

It’s not unusual, to be mad with some Brendan
It’s not unusual, to be sad with any Frank
but if I ever find that you've changed to vote for Ken
it’s not unusual to find out that I'm in love with you
You can never go wrong with Tom Jones, right?